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来自Mario Forever 百科
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/* 这里的任何JavaScript将为使用移动版网站的用户加载 */

/* Fix media negative margin bug for wide galleries */
$('.gallerybox .mediaContainer').each(function(i, obj) {
	if ($(this).parent().css('margin-top') < '15px')
		$(this).parent().css('margin', '15px auto');

/* Add subpages link on user pages */
$(function() {
	var namespace = mw.config.get('wgCanonicalNamespace');
	var title = mw.config.get('wgTitle');
	if (namespace === 'User' && title.indexOf('/') < 0)
		$('.user-links').append('<li> <a href="/Special:PrefixIndex/User:' + title + '/">Subpages</a></li>');

/* Adjust margin of thumbs with no caption */
function thumbFixer() {
	$('.thumb').each(function(i, obj) {
		if (!$(this).find('.thumbcaption').text()) {
			if (window.matchMedia('all and (max-width: 719px)').matches)
				$(this).css('margin-bottom', '0.75em');
				$(this).css('margin-bottom', '');
$(window).resize(function() {

/* Adjust table of contents to fit with infobox */
$(function() {
	var body = $('#bodyContent');
	var infobox = $('.infobox');

	if (infobox) {
	    var maxWidth = Math.round(body.width() - infobox.outerWidth(true) - 10);
	    $('head').append('<style type="text/css">.toc-mobile { max-width: ' + maxWidth + 'px; }</style>');
function tocResizer() {
	var body = $('#bodyContent');
	var infobox = $('.infobox');
	var toc = $('.toc-mobile');

	if (infobox && toc) {
	    var maxWidth = Math.round(body.width() - infobox.outerWidth(true) - 10);
	    toc.css('max-width', maxWidth);
$(window).resize(function() {